SEO Title



REST allows us to create services and applications that can be used by any device or client who understands HTTP.

Status Code

When you are using a REST design you have to provide the HTTP status code that are the more appropriated to respond to the request.



JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties.



An open protocol to allow secure authorization in a simple and standard method from web, mobile and desktop applications




  • HAL – Simple format that gives a consistent and easy way to hyperlink between resources in your API (see: HATEOAS).
  • Hydra – Vocabulary for Hypermedia-Driven Web APIs (W3C).
  • JSend – Simple specification that lays down some rules for how JSON responses from web servers should be formatted.
  • JSON API – Standard for building APIs in JSON.
  • JSON-LD – Standard for describing Linked Data and hypermedia relations in JSON (W3C).
  • OData – Open protocol to allow the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable RESTful APIs. Quite complex.
  • RAML – Simple and succinct way to describe RESTful API.
  • Schema.org – Collection of schemas describing common data models.


Need a API for your projects?

Curated list




  • Firecamp – Protocol agnostic API testing client which help you test and manage RestAPIs, GraphQL, Websocket and many more.
  • httpie – Command line HTTP client, far more dev-friendly than curl.
  • HttpMaster – GUI tool for testing REST APIs and services. Windows OS only.
  • jq – Command line JSON processor, to use in combination with a command-line HTTP client like cURL.
  • Insomina – A Fancy HTTP REST Client.
  • resty – Little command line REST client that you can use in pipelines (bash or zsh).
  • TestMace – A modern powerful crossplatform tool for working with API and creating automated API tests.


  • Beeceptor - Beeceptor helps intercepting API calls and mocking them selectively. Creates an endpoint for wrapping original API and routes requests.
  • FakeRest – Patch XMLHttpRequest to fake a REST API client-side.
  • JSON Placeholder – Free online REST service that you can use whenever you need some fake data.
  • json-server – Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds.
  • Mocky.io – Free online service to create fake HTTP responses.
  • FakeQL – Mainly focused on GraphQL, but can mock RESTful APIs, as well.
  • PIPL API – Free and public API that generates random and fake people's data in JSON
  • API Mocha - Free online service providing fake REST API endpoints, create customizable responses and download rules as a Postman collection.


  • httpstat.us – A super simple service for generating different HTTP codes.
  • httpbin – httpbin(1): HTTP Request & Response Service.
  • badssl – Testing clients against bad SSL configs.


One of the most important part of your API is have a good documentation and updated with the code.




Modeling and SaaS

Based in DDD (Domain Driven Development). Generates automatically API's in different languages.


Used it to improve your workflow

  • hello.js – A client-side Javascript SDK for authenticating with OAuth2.
  • nock – HTTP Server mocking for Node.js
  • node-ratelimiter – Rate limiter for Node.js backed by Redis.
  • node-uuid – Simple and fast generation of UUIDS.
  • Supertest – Super-agent driven library for testing HTTP servers.


Designed specifically for building RESTful API's Quickly.


Manage API infrastructure concerns such as authentication/authorization, rate limiting, scaling, analytics, etc.

Open Source / Self-hosted
