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A curated list of awesome packages, articles, and other cool resources from the Wagtail community. Wagtail is a Python CMS powered by Django, focusing on flexibility and user experience.

You might also like Awesome Django and Awesome Python. 🐍


General resources



  • Puput - Puput is a powerful and simple Django app to manage a blog. It uses the awesome Wagtail CMS as content management system.
  • wagtail_blog - A WordPress-like blog app implemented in Wagtail.
  • wagtailnews - A plugin for Wagtail that provides news / blogging functionality.
  • wagtail-blog-app - A blog application for the Wagtail Django CMS.
  • Django Wagtail Feeds - Add support for RSS Feeds, Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News Publisher to your Wagtail CMS Projects.
  • Snotra_RSS - Snotra_RSS is an Atom and RSS news aggregator app for Wagtail.

Rich text editor extensions


  • wagtailgmaps - Simple Google Maps address formatter for Wagtail fields.
  • Wagtail-Geo-Widget - Google Maps widget for the GeoDjango PointField field in Wagtail.
  • wagtail-leaflet-widget - A Leaflet JS - OSM based wagtail geo-location widget.
  • wagtail-markdown - Markdown fields and blocks for Wagtail.
  • wagtail-autocomplete - Autocompleting choosers for ForeignKeyParentalKey, and ManyToMany fields.
  • wagtail-instance-selector - A ForeignKey widget to create and select related items. Similar to Django's raw_id_fields.
  • wagtail-generic-chooser - provides base classes for building chooser popups and form widgets for the Wagtail admin, matching the look and feel of Wagtail's built-in choosers for pages, documents, snippets and images.
  • wagtail-multi-upload - allows uploading of multiple related images for a page.
  • wagtail-color-panel - Introduces panels for selecting colors in Wagtail.


Static site generation

  • Wagtail-bakery - A set of helpers for baking your Django Wagtail site out as flat files.
  • Wagtail-Netlify - Easilly publish your statically rendered Wagtail site to Netlify.

Settings management


  • wagtailinvoices - A Wagtail module for creating invoices.
  • longclaw - A shop template for Wagtail CMS.
  • django-oscar-wagtail - Wagtail integration for Oscar Commerce (or Oscar Commerce integration for Wagtail?).
  • django-salesman - Headless e-commerce framework for Django with Wagtail modeladmin integration.



Customer experience

  • Wagtail Experiments – A/B testing for Wagtail.
  • Wagtail Personalisation - Personalisation module, enabling editors to create customised pages - or parts of pages - based on segments whose rules are configured directly in the admin interface.


  • wagtailenforcer - If you need to enforce security protocols on your Wagtail site you've come to the right place.
  • wagtail-yubikey - Enable YubiKey two factor authentication on Wagtail admin panel.
  • wagtail-2fa - Add two-factor authentication to Wagtail by integrating it with django-otp.


  • wagtailmedia - A Wagtail module for managing video and audio files within the admin.
  • Wagtail Alt Generator - A module for generating image description and tags based on computer vision.
  • Wagtail FilePreviews - Extend Wagtail's Documents with image previews and metadata from FilePreviews.io.
  • Wagtail-Textract - Make Wagtail search Documents contents (PDF, Excel and Word, etc.).
  • Wagtail-Lazyimages - A plugin that generates tiny blurry placeholder images for lazy loading Wagtail images medium.com style.
  • Wagtail Image Import - A plugin for importing images from Google Drive.
  • Wagtail SVG - A Wagtail module for managing SVG files within the admin.
  • Wagtail Makeup - A plugin that replaces all your images with Unsplash images.
  • Rent Free Media - A media distribution framework built on Django and Wagtail. Premium / subscription-based publishing like Patreon or Substack.
  • Wagtail CLIP - A module for searching the contents of Wagtail images with natural language queries.






  • wagtailmenus - An extension for Torchbox's Wagtail CMS to help you manage and render multi-level navigation and simple flat menus in a consistent, flexible way.
  • Wagtail Error Pages - Pretty, smart, customizable error pages for Wagtail.
  • Wagtail Themes - Site-specific theme loader for Wagtail.
  • Wagtail Sharing – Easier sharing of Wagtail drafts.
  • Wagtail Gridder - Grid card layout similar to Google image search results, with an expanded area for card details.
  • Wagtail Condensed Inline Panel - Drop-in replacement for Wagtail's InlinePanel suited for large number of inlines (collapsible with drag and drop support).
  • Joyous - A calendar application for Wagtail.
  • Wagtail App Pages - Extend Wagtail pages using an actual URL config and django views.
  • Wagtail Transfer - An official extension for Wagtail allowing content to be transferred between multiple instances of a Wagtail project
  • Wagtail Import Export - Import/Export pages between Wagtail instances.
  • Wagtail Import/Export Tool - Refactor of Wagtail Import Export. This tool supports importing/exporting images, documents, and snippets that are used on imported/exported pages.
  • Wagtail Tag Manager - A Wagtail addon that allows for easier and GDPR compliant administration of scripts and tags.
  • Wagtail Cache - A simple page cache for Wagtail using the Django cache middleware.
  • Wagtail GraphQL - App to automatically add GraphQL support to a Wagtail website.
  • Wagtail Orderable - Mixin support for drag-and-drop ordering in admin panel.
  • Wagtail Live Preview - Live page previews beside your content.
  • Wagtail Resume – A Wagtail project made to simplify creation of resumes for developers.
  • Wagtail Content Import - Import content from Google Docs or Docx into StreamFields, using a customisable mapping system.
  • Wagtail Trash - Will place pages in a trash can from where they can be restored instead of being permanently deleted.
  • Wagtail PDF View - Render Wagtail pages and models as PDF document using Weasyprint or LaTeX.


Templates & Starter Kits

  • Wagtail Cookiecutter Foundation - A Cookiecutter template for Wagtail CMS using Zurb Foundation 6.
  • Beginner Wagtail Cookiecutter – A super simple implementation of Wagtail CMS.
  • Wagtail Starter Kit – A cookiecutter complete with wagtail, django layout, vagrant, provisioning scrips, front end build system and more!
  • Wagtail Pipit – Pipit is a Wagtail boilerplate which aims to provide an easy and modern developer workflow with a React-rendered frontend.
  • Django Cookiecutter Wagtail – A Django Cookiecutter template with Wagtail. Based on the original 'Django Cookiecutter'. Features: Docker support using docker-compose for development and production (using Traefik with LetsEncrypt support), customizable PostgreSQL version, Bootstrap 4, media storage using Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage and many more.
  • wagtail-webpack-dokku - A template with Wagtail, Webpack using django-webpack-loader, Bootstrap 5, production ready for Dokku.
  • Wagtail bootstrap blog - A Wagtail blog which has Bootstrap theme, supports writing in MarkdownLatex. It also has comment workflow, comment form supports Mention and Emoji. Frontend is built by WebpackBabel and SCSS.
  • Wagtail react blog - SPA blog built with React, Bootstrap4, Storybook and Wagtail Rest API. It also supports headless preview.
  • CodeRed CMS - a professionally supported WordPress alternative for building marketing websites. Create pages, blogs, forms, and every Bootstrap 4 component in the wagtail admin out-of-the-box! Learn more or watch the lightning talk.
  • Wordpress to Wagtail migration kit - Import WordPress blog content from an XML file into Wagtail.


Getting started








For editors


  • Dutch Wagtail Meetup - This is a group for anyone interested in working and developing with Wagtail.
  • Wellington Wagtail CMS Meetup - The first Wagtail CMS meetup in New Zealand!
  • Wagtail Space - Wagtail training sessions, Wagtail (lightning) talks and a Wagtail sprint. From March 13th until 15th 2019, Wagtail Space takes place in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
  • Wagtail’s first hatch – Kickstarter campaign to accelerate the development of Wagtail.

Open-source sites

