
A curated list of live coding languages and tools

This list was created with the intention of giving a quick-glance over the many possibilities to engage in this practice. For further information, head over to TOPLAP.


What is live coding

Quoting Wikipedia

Live coding (sometimes referred to as 'on-the-fly programming', 'just in time programming' and 'conversational programming') is a performing arts form and a creativity technique centred upon the writing of source code and the use of interactive programming in an improvised way.


  • TOPLAP - The home of Live Coding.


  • TOPLAP Forum - A web-based 'discourse' forum for in-depth discussion and exchange around live coding.
  • Discord servers for live chat around live coding
  • We.LURK - An email-based discussion system including several livecoding and algorave related forums. (mostly inactive)
  • /r/livecoding - The Live Coding subreddit.
  • LiveCoders - A semi-curated, rather incomplete list of people doing live coding in the performing arts.
  • Algorithmic Music @ LinuxMusicians - A section of the popular LinuxMusicians forum for discussing live coding languages.
  • livecode.demozoo.org - Archive of demoscene related live coding events.


(In Alphabetical Order)

  • afterglow - A live-coding lighting controller, building on the Open Lighting Architecture with Clojure and bits of Overtone.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux lisp FLOSS audio

  • Alda - A music programming language for musicians.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux FLOSS audio

  • Atomiix - A re-implementation and re-invigoration of ixi lang.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux JavaScript FLOSS SuperCollider audio

  • Bacalao - A live-coding library for SuperCollider inspired by Tidalcycles syntax.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux SuperCollider audio

  • ChucK - Strongly-timed, Concurrent, and On-the-fly Music Programming Language.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux FLOSS audio

  • clive - Live-coding audio in C.

    GNU/Linux C FLOSS audio

  • Conductive - A set of Haskell libraries for livecoding and real-time music applications.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux haskell SuperCollider FLOSS audio

  • Cyril - A programming language designed for fast prototyping of visualisations and livecoding visuals.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux openFrameworks FLOSS visuals

  • Extempore - (Previously Impromptu) A programming language and runtime environment designed to support 'cyberphysical programming'.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux lisp FLOSS audio

  • FaustLive - FaustLive is an advanced self-contained prototyping environment for the Faust programming language with an ultra-short edit-compile-run cycle.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux faust llvm FLOSS audio DSP

  • Fluxus - A rapid prototyping, playing and learning environment for 3D graphics, sound and games.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux | Android | PS2 racket-lang lisp FLOSS visuals

  • FoxDot - Live Coding with Python and SuperCollider.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux Python SuperCollider FLOSS audio

  • Gibber - Creative coding for JavaScript.

    Google Chrome | Mozilla Firefox web JavaScript FLOSS audio visuals

  • GLICOL - A graph-oriented live coding language written in Rust.

    Google Chrome | Mozilla Firefox web Rust JavaScript WebAssembly FLOSS audio visuals

  • gwion - 🎵 strongly-timed musical programming language Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux FLOSS audio

  • Improviz - An environment for using and abusing primitive shapes and animated textures.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux Haskell FLOSS visuals

  • Iannix - A graphical open-source sequencer for digital art

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux JavaScript FLOSS audio Open Sound Control visuals

  • ixi lang - An experimental project concerned with the creation of digital musical instruments and environments for generative music.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux FLOSS SuperCollider audio

  • ossia score - An interactive sequencer that allows live programming of intermedia, inter-protocol artworks, through a custom visual language.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux C++ FLOSS audio

  • kilobeat - A collaborative web-based dsp livecoding instrument inspired by bytebeat and Gibber.

    Google Chrome | Mozilla Firefox web JavaScript FLOSS audio

  • Krill - Tidal cycle like live coding in NodeJS / Browser.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux NodeJS Browser FLOSS midi

  • LiveCodeLab - A web-based language and environment for VJs, musicians and graphic artists. Allows for immediate and engaging run-as-you-type prototyping, also used in education.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux web FLOSS visuals audio

  • Max - A visual programming language for media.

    Windows | macOS graphical-language Commercial audio visuals

  • Mercury - A highly abstracted minimal language for the live coding of algorithmic music designed to make code more accessible for the performer and less obfuscating for the audience.

    Windows | macOS audio visuals MaxMSP

  • Moonlet - Lua live coding.

    Windows | GNU/Linux FLOSS audio

  • Mosaic - An openFrameworks based Visual Patching Creative-Coding Platform.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux FLOSS graphical-language audio visuals

  • Motifn - Code music in Javascript that plays in your DAW or browser

    Google Chrome | Mozilla Firefox web JavaScript MIDI audio WebAudio

  • mutate4l - Live coding integrated into Ableton Live's session view.

    Windows | macOS Max for Live C# FLOSS audio

  • Negasonic - Live coding in the browser with Ruby.

    Google Chrome | Mozilla Firefox web Ruby FLOSS audio

  • ORCΛ - An esoteric live coding environment with two-dimensional syntax.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux audio FLOSS

  • Overtone - An open source audio environment designed to explore new musical ideas from synthesis and sampling to instrument building, live-coding and collaborative jamming.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux SuperCollider lisp FLOSS audio FLOSS

  • PraxisLive - Hybrid visual IDE for live creative coding.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux Java Processing GLSL graphical-language FLOSS visuals audio

  • Pure Data - An open source visual programming language that can be used to process and generate sound, video, 2D/3D graphics, and interface sensors, input devices, and MIDI.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux graphical-language FLOSS audio visuals

  • re<urse - A language for generating musical patterns.

    abandoned Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux TypeScript FLOSS audio

  • Repetition.sc - A set of tools to build a SequenceableCollection of Events.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux SuperCollider FLOSS audio

  • sema - Sema – A Playground for Live Coding Music and Machine Learning.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux JavaScript FLOSS audio

  • serialist - A live coding environment that generates MIDI messages.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux JavaScript FLOSS audio

  • Skoar - A high-level language for coding music with SuperCollider.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux SuperCollider Python FLOSS audio

  • Sonic Pi - The Live Coding music synth for everyone.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux Ruby SuperCollider FLOSS audio

  • Speccy - Live code 8-bit algorave in ClojureScript.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux web FLOSS audio lisp

  • Steno - Concatenative little metalanguage for live coding.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux SuperCollider FLOSS audio

  • SuperCollider - A platform for audio synthesis and algorithmic composition, used by musicians, artists, and researchers working with sound.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux FLOSS audio

  • synth-x - An experimental live coding environment for making music created with modern web technologies.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux JavaScript nodejs audio

  • TidalCycles - Is a language for Live Coding pattern.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linxux Haskell SuperCollider FLOSS audio

  • TimeLines - A modular synthesizer for live coding the flow of time.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux FLOSS Haskell SuperCollider audio

  • tinyspec - A C++ live-coding environment for overlap-add (re)synthesis.

    GNU/Linux C++ FLOSS audio

  • Tinalla - Framework Regex based for language parsing written in javascript.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux FLOSS Javascript SuperCollider audio

  • Tweakable - Visual programming for music, sound and video, used by artists and musicians to make interactive art and music on the web.

    Google Chrome | Microsoft Edge PWA web JavaScript MIDI audio visuals WebAudio

  • Vivid - Haskell synth live coding.

    Haskell SuperCollider FLOSS audio

  • Vuo - A realtime visual programming language for interactive media.

    macOS visual-language FLOSS | Commercial visuals

  • vvvv - A hybrid visual/textual live-programming environment for easy prototyping and development.

    Windows visual-language Freeware | Commercial visuals

  • WASM-music - A live-coding environment for performance, composition and synthesis in the web-browser.

    Google Chrome | Mozilla Firefox web JavaScript MIDI audio WebAudio

  • Wulfcode - A Midi live-coding environment for performance or composition.

    macOS | Windows* | GNU/Linux* FLOSS audio

  • zeroone - Multi-instrumental, polyphonic, "DSLish" API for live coding music in C++.

    macOS | Windows | GNU/Linux FLOSS audio

  • xi - A domain-specific language for Live Coding musical patterns in Ruby.

    Windows | macOS | GNU/Linux Ruby SuperCollider FLOSS audio

Libraries and tools

(Also in Alphabetical Order)

  • ANSIedad - Generate visuals through a terminal emulator using ANSI escape codes.
  • Arcadia - Live coding Clojure in Unity3D.
  • Arepl - Live coding Python in VSCode.
  • Automationism - A modular synthesiser that runs in the open source programming language Pure Data.
  • blink - A library which allows you to edit source code of any Windows C++ project live at runtime.
  • Bonzomatic - GLSL and HLSL live coding environment, originally designed for live coding competitions at demoparties.
  • Cascade - A Javascript utility that turns CSS into sound in the web browser, for audio / visual performances.
  • CaosBox - A non-common live coding and algorave sequencer written with SuperCollider.
  • CHmUsiCK - Library to make ChucK a 'more algorave like' language.
  • cl-collider - A SuperCollider client for CommonLisp.
  • Cowbells - A Clojure library for musical experimentation and live coding.
  • dafxpipe - Software for live coding audio effects and synths.
  • diatonic - Diatonic transforms for music making.
  • disclojure - A live coding environment for Overtone and Leipzig.
  • EspGrid - Synchronization and sharing for network music.
  • Extramuros - Language-neutral shared-buffer networked live coding system.
  • Flok - Web-based P2P collaborative editor for live coding music and graphics.
  • Fragment - Collaborative live GLSL coding environment, additive/spectral/granular synthesizer.
  • The Force - WebGL live coding performance IDE.
  • Gibberwocky - Use Gibber inside Max/MSP and Max4Live.
  • Gideros - Lua 2D game engine with live coding capabilities.
  • glslViewer - Live GLSL coding render for macOS and Linux.
  • hsc3 - A Haskell SuperCollider client.
  • hydra - Live Coding networked visuals in the browser.
  • HYLOGEN - An embedding of GLSL in Haskell.
  • incudine - Music/DSP programming environment for Common Lisp.
  • INSTRUMENT - For live coding music and interfacing musical instruments and controllers in SuperCollider.
  • isobar - A Python library for algorithmic composition by expressing and constructing musical patterns.
  • jet-live - A library which implements c++ hot code reload approach for Linux and macOS.
  • KodeLife - Real-time GPU shader editor, live-code performance tool and graphics prototyping sketchpad.
  • LiCK - Library for ChucK, provides intervals, chords, scales, arpeggiators, patterns, effects, etc.
  • LiveCore - Library for live coding inside Reaktor Core.
  • LÖVELive 💕 - Live coding framework for LÖVE(2D Game Engine).
  • Lua2SC - Lua client for superCollider scsynth and supernova.
  • Motifn - Code music in Javascript that plays in your DAW or browser
  • Petal - A small language on Sonic Pi with similar syntax to TidalCycles.
  • pytebeat - A piece of software for doing livecoding bytebeat performances.
  • P5LIVE - p5.js collaborative live-coding vj environment!
  • p5-live - Live Coding for p5.js.
  • REPL Mode - This mode adds in a Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop console to Processing 3.0.
  • Republic - SuperCollider library for conversational coding.
  • Ronin - LISP repl for graphics livecoding.
  • s2hs2 - An interface between TidalCycles and Processing.
  • Siren - A tracker interface that embodies abstractions where programming is realized as the medium for pattern sequencing in a modular fashion.
  • sonic-pixels - Interactive lighting effects for Sonic Pi.
  • Supriya - A Python API for SuperCollider.
  • tidal-autocode - Auto-generates patterns for TidalCycles (requires Atom editor).
  • tidal-chord - An add-on to the amazing live coding project TidalCycles.
  • TidalFX - A haskell package adding weirder effects to Tidal from non-standard UGens.
  • tidal-maxmsp - Connecting the Tidal live coding environment to MaxMSP.
  • TidalUnity - An interface between TidalCycles and Unity 3D.
  • Tidal-Unity - TidalCycles meets Unity 3D.
  • tida1vm - Another TidalCycles environment inside Docker.
  • tidebox - TidalCycles live coding environment inside a Docker container.
  • total-serialism - A NodeJS package filled with methods designed for algorithmic composition.
  • Troop - Real-time collaborative live coding with FoxDot.
  • VEDA - Real-time GLSL editor for Atom.
  • WavTexture - A Unity example showing how to bake a waveform of an audio clip into a texture and use it in a shader.
  • ZeroBrane Studio - Editor that allows live coding using Lua language.

To Watch

Documentaries and features

Performances, talks, etc

To Read

To Dance

  • Algorave - Embrace the alien sounds of raves from the past, and introduce alien, futuristic rhythms and beats made through strange, algorithm-aided processes.
  • Eulerroom - Algorithmic music streams, mainly live coded and/or algorave but possibly also stranger things.
  • Algorave Guidelines - Guidelines to host an Algorave.


  • ICLC - International Conference on Live Coding.
  • FARM - Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling, and Design.
  • ICLI - International Conference on Live Interfaces.
  • NIME - New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference.
  • WAC - The Web Audio Conference.
  • HLCI - Hybrid Live Coding Interfaces: performance and craft.

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