
精选的 Dart 框架、库和软件的精选列表。 列表中的项目得到积极维护,有据可查,并且在 Dart 社区中很受欢迎。 灵感来自令人敬畏的列表。


Client Web App Frameworks

  • AngularDart - AngularDart is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications.
  • Flutter - Flutter is a framework to build high-performance, cross-platform mobile apps, allowing applications to be written for Android, iOS and Web Apps.
  • MDL/Dart - Material Design Lite for Dart is a framework of components for web developers based on Google's Material Design philosophy.
  • OverReact - A library for building statically-typed React UI components.

Server Frameworks

  • Jaguar - A server framework built for speed, simplicity and extensibility.
  • Start - Sinatra inspired web framework to serve static files, handle dynamic requests, websockets and create JSON responses.
  • Shelf - Shelf makes it easy to create and compose web servers and parts of web servers.
    • There are many packages written for Shelf. By convention they start with shelf_.
  • Vane - Framework with built-in server runtime environment and middleware system.
  • Rikulo Stream - Lightweight web server with request routing, filtering, template engine, WebSocket, MVC design pattern, and file-based static resources.
  • Alfred - Minimal ExpressJS-inspired server with routing and middlware.

Other Frameworks

Cross-platform development

Game Development

  • Flame - A minimalist Flutter game engine.
  • StageXL - StageXL offers an easy to use and complete API (based on the Flash API) for impressive 2D content like games and other rich applications.
  • DartRocket - DartRocket is a HTML5 game framework written in Dart and which uses the StageXL rendering engine.
  • Pixi Dart - A port of the pixi.js rendering engine.
  • Ranger - A game engine centered around HTML5 Canvas and a scene graph.


  • Universal Tween Engine - A port of the original java Universal Tween Engine created by Aurelien Ribbon.
  • Spine Dart - An implementation of the Esoteric Software Spine runtime.


  • mustache_template - A mustache template library that supports dart2js and dart2native.
  • jaded - Port of the excellent Jade view engine.


  • Postgres - A PostgreSQL database driver that uses the extended, binary protocol for more efficient and secure queries.
  • SQLJockey - MySQL connector.
  • PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL database driver.

Package Managers

  • Pub - Pub is used to manage packages.
  • Cloudsmith - A fully managed package management SaaS, with support for Dart, Flutter, and much more. [Free for Public/OSS] [$]


  • Archive - A library to encode and decode various archive and compression formats.
  • built_collection - Immutable collections via the builder pattern.
  • built_value - Immutable value types, enum classes, and serialization.
  • Frappe - A functional reactive programming library for Dart. Frappé extends the functionality of Dart's streams, and introduces new concepts like properties/signals.
  • Quiver - A set of utility libraries that makes using many libraries easier and more convenient, or adds additional functionality.
  • route_hierarchical - Route is a client routing library for Dart that helps make building single-page web apps.
  • Darq - A port of functional LINQ from the .NET library.

Dependency Injection

  • Angular DI - Dependency Injection framework by Angular.
  • Dependencies - A simple and modular dependency injection system which doesn't use mirrors.
  • package: inject - Compile-time dependency injection for Dart and Flutter


  • html - A library for working with HTML documents. Previously known as html5lib.
  • markdown - Parse markdown into HTML on both the client and server.
  • PetitParser - PetitParser combines ideas from scannerless parsing, parser combinators, parsing expression grammars and packrat parsers to model grammars and parsers as objects that can be reconfigured dynamically.
  • XML - A lightweight library for parsing, traversing, querying and building XML documents.
  • xmlstream - A streaming event-based XML Parser.
  • YAML - A parser for YAML.
  • Dart Tags - The library for parsing ID3 tags, written in pure Dart.


  • Constrain - Provides a constraint based Validation library inspired by Java Bean Validation but leveraging the superior language capabilities of Dart.
  • validator.dart - String validation and sanitization for Dart.


  • Objectory - Objectory provides typed, checked environment to model, save and query data persisted on MongoDb.


  • image - Provides server and web apps the ability to load, manipulate, and save images with various image file formats including PNG, JPEG, GIF, WebP, TIFF, TGA, PSD, PVR, and OpenEXR.


  • Guinness - A port of the Jasmine library.
  • test - Provides a standard way of writing and running tests in Dart.


  • Freezed - Code generation for immutable classes that has a simple syntax/API without compromising on the features.

Crash monitoring

  • Sentry - Sentry provides self-hosted and cloud-based error monitoring that helps all software teams discover, triage, and prioritize errors in real-time.


  • DevTools - a suite of debugging and performance tools for Dart and Flutter.
  • dart2js - compiles Dart code to JavaScript.
  • js2dart - compiles Javascript code to Dart.
  • Stagehand - A project scaffolding generator, inspired by tools like Web Starter Kit and Yeoman.
  • Crossdart - Cross-referenced source code of the packages from Pub.
  • Crossdart Github Chrome Extension - Adds "Go to declaration" and "Find Usages" functionality to your Dart projects on Github (both in tree views and pull requests).
  • gulp-dart - A gulp plugin for compiling Dart code to JavaScript using dart2js.
  • dev_compiler - Dart to JavaScript compiler designed to create idiomatic, readable JavaScript output.
  • json2dart - Given a json, it generates the dart classes to parse and generate json with given structure.
  • webdev_proxy - A proxy wrapper around webdev which adds support for rerouting 404s to the index, allowing for HTML push-based routing while running locally.
  • Dart Code Metrics - Additional linter which reports code metrics, checks for anti-patterns and provides additional rules for Analyzer.
  • m2cgen - A CLI tool to transpile trained classic ML models into a native Dart code with zero dependencies.
  • Lakos - Visualize internal library dependencies in Graphviz and detect dependency cycles.


  • isolator - Isolator offer to you a simple way for creating two-component states with isolated part and frontend part of any kind - BLoC, MobX, ChangeNotifier and others



IDEs, Editors, and Plugins

Everything Else

There are lots of awesome libraries being added to Pub all the time. If you can't find a library on this list that meets your needs, go ahead and search for it on Pub. And if you end up finding an awesome library, we would love a pull request with the info so that everyone else can discover it as well. Just make sure to read the contributing guidelines first.
