

If you gave up on multithreading in Python I have good news. It’s very likely it will change and you’ll be able to disable GIL very soon, but there’s a catch

Python, what a name for a programming language. It could be named anything ranging from Lizard to Labrador, but it was called after a snake*.

So now, millions of people searching for snakes end up learning about a programming language, just as it would be a tricky way to advertise the Slytherin house.

As a side note I imagine the name has also some benefits. If someone screamed “watch out, there’s a Python”, the snake would have an edge over me wondering why a language without semicolons and curly braces should be of a threat.

But until that time when such Achilles foot will bite me, I’m here to report that there’s an effort to make Python multithreaded.

These are Python flashcards I've made, you can purchase them here: https://summonthejson.com/products/python-flashcards

So, for many of you that know Python well, this won’t be surprise, and most likely it will be rather a quite imprecise statement.